THE TRUE ESSENCE OF EID-UL-FITR In this day and age, many Muslims eagerly await the end of Ramadaan and the coming of Eid-ul- Fitr to gain their ‘freedom’ in order to go back to committing sin and disobeying Almighty Allah. Many people start on the day of Eid itself and engage in shameful and reprehensible behaviour in the name of celebration. We should remember that celebration does not mean committing sin, but rather it involves remembering Allah Ta’ala and being grateful to Allah Ta’ala for showering His Mercy and Bounties upon us. Let us look at the true essence and significance of Eid-ul-Fitr, and the way in which those pious servants close to Almighty Allah celebrated Eid. Eid is a day of celebration for Muslims, a day of happiness. On this day, Muslims perform two rakaats of prayer, meet one another, shake hands and embrace and give charity to the poor and needy. Islam teaches protecting the poor, helping the helpless, and easing the pain and sufferings of orphans and the meek a...