Death and the Grave-II
Death and the Grave It is a well-known reality that everyone has to taste death. Allah Ta'ala says in the Holy Quran: "Every soul shall have the taste of death". (3:185) The time of death is fixed for everyone. Every single person's age is fixed. It cannot increase from its fixed time nor can it decrease. Nothing can save one from death. Wherever you are, death will find you out, even if you are in towers built up high. When the time of death comes, nothing can delay it. When a person�s life is ending, Hazrat Izraeel (alaihis salaam) comes to extract the dying person's soul. The person dying looks to his left and right and sees Angels everywhere. The Angels of Mercy come to a Muslim and for the Kaafirs, the Angels of Punishment appear. At this time, even the Kaafirs believe the truth about Islam, but their faith at this time is not counted. This is because faith is the name of believing the Message of Allah Ta'ala and his...