The Attributes of Almighty ALLAH
Allah Ta'ala is One. There is no one equal to Allah Ta'ala, either in being, qualities, actions, commands or names. Allah Ta'ala is "Waajibul Wujood", in other words, His Existence is compulsory. His destruction is impossible. Allah Ta'ala always was and always will be. The term used to define the continuous existence of Allah Ta'ala is "Qadeem". "Qadeem" means "that which always existed and will always exist". Allah Ta'ala is not dependant upon anyone or anything. The entire universe depends on Allah Ta'ala. Like Allah Ta'ala, His Qualities are also "Qadeem". With the exception of Allah Ta'ala and His Qualities, everything else is "Haadith". "Haadith" means "a creation or that which was created by Allah Ta'ala". Any person who says that Allah Ta'ala's Qualities are "Haadith" or says that any creation is ...