THE REASON FOR THE CREATION OF MAN Every creation of the Almighty Allah has been created for some specific reason and purpose, namely, the sun, the trees, water, the wind. Explaining the purpose for the creation of Man, the Almighty Allah states: Wa ma khalaqtul Jinna wal insa illa liya'budun "I have not created Man and Jinn, but that they worship Me." (Ad Dhaariyat: Verse 56) Worship can only be performed if there is recognition. In other words, mankind and Jinn have been created to recognize the Almighty Allah. The question that arises is, what is the outcome of this recognition? It means that the more we recognize Allah, the more we worship Him. From the above discussion we come to realize that mankind has been created to recognize Allah, and by doing so we become closer. In other words, closeness to Allah is the pinnacle of glory in the life of mankind. By understanding this, we must examine it's connotation, it's results and it's meaning in the light of...