
Showing posts from November 14, 2010


(A Translation of Mas'ala No. 169 on Page 212 Volume 4 of Fatawa Razvia) Mas'ala (Question):- Sent by Hafiz Abdur Rahman Rafoogar on 28 Muharram 1332 A.H. from Muhalla Ahaatha Rohilla, Thana Bahloo Poora in Banaras. "My question directed at your office, Oh! Hazrat, is that whilst visiting the Mazaaraat of the Auliya-e-Kiraam, what should be the method of reading Fateha, and what items (Ayaats of the Quraan) ought to be recited in this Fateha?" Al Jawaab (The Answer):- Allah in the Name of, the Compassionate The Merciful. Praise be to Allah and Salutations upon the gracious Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). My dear Hafiz Saheb, Peace be upon You! When one enters the Holy Shrines (Mazaaraat of Auliya-e-Kiraam) one should do so from the foot end (i.e. the feet side of the Wali), and as far as possible one should maintain one's presence at a distance of four hand lengths (from the foot end). Thereafter, in a moderate voice, one should announce Salaams in the fol...


Islam is a beautiful religion, full of wisdom and harmony. If this wonderful religion is followed properly then a typical Muslim would only be a great example to follow. The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said: "The most perfect believer in faith is the one who is best in moral character..." [At-Tirmithi] Spreading kindness at home: 'Aa'ishah, may Allaah be pleased with her, said: "The Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said: '"When Allaah, The Almighty,Wills some good towards the people of a household, He introduces kindness among them.'" [Ahmad] According to another report: "When Allaah loves the people of a household, He introduces kindness among them." [Ibn Abu Ad-Dunyaa] In other words, they start to be kind to one another. This is one of the means of attaining happiness at home, for kindness is very beneficial between the spouses, and with the children, and it brings results that cannot be achieved thr...


By Maulana Abdul Aleem siddiqui Quadri The beautiful panorama of the heavens and the earth, which we see around us, carries in its bosom the testimony that it is the creation of a Great Artist. The existence of order and design in the universe, which modern science teaches us, leads us to the belief in the existence of a Supreme Power and a Supreme Intelligence who is responsible for this complex but orderly design, --of a Supreme Being who brought it into existence and supplied it with all that it needed for its life and growth, --in the language of the Holy Qur?an, of the Rabbul-Alameen. The universe, as we know it in Science, is an organic Whole, all of whose parts are beautifully and harmoniously inter-related. It is, further, a Domain of Law in which every particle exists and moves in subjection to a prescribed and immutable course of law. Neither the huge planets that swim in space, nor the tiny particles of sand that lie scattered on the seashore, can deviate even slightly fr...