
Showing posts from March 9, 2014

Fatwa - Conditions Pertaining to HALAL Meat

Fatwa - Conditions Pertaining to HALAL Meat Mufti Shareeful Haq Amjadi "Zabiha" or "slaughter" by a non-Muslim is Haraam and falls within the laws of carrion or dead meat. To consume the Zabiha of a non-Muslim is like eating swine. Any animal that has been slaughtered by a non-Muslim is regarded as carrion and as a "major impurity" or "Najaasat-e-Ghaliza". It is not permissable to consume such an animal or touch it. The only circumstances under which it can be touched is to throw it away. This law applies in the case of non-Muslims. But it also be known that if a Muslim does not say "Bismillah" when slaughtering an animal, then such and animal is also considered to be Haraam. The law concerning meat is so strict that even if the meat leaves the sight of a Muslim into the care of a Kaafir at any time after slaughtering till the time of consumption, then such meat cannot be eaten and is said to be Haraam. But, if one has a trust...

Benefits of Salt

The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said: "O Ali! You should commence your meal with salt, since there is cure in salt for 70 illnesses and amongst them are leprosy, leucoderma, insanity, stomach and toothaches". ("Jaame Kabeer").

The Beard & The Moustache

The beard is the Sunnah of Ambiya, the sign of Islam, the recognition of a Muslim and the beauty to the face of a man. The keeping of the beard keeps one away from various sins. To keep the beard one fist length is Sunnah and to trim it less than this or remove it completely is Haraam and a sin. To allow a person, whose beard is trimmed shorter than the prescribed length, or one who shaves of his beard, to be an Imaam is not allowed and a sin. Hufaaz, especially those who keep the beard in Ramadaan and shave it off afterwards, should ponder over this. Namaaz of any type behind such a person is not allowed. To mock the beard can also lead to Kuffar. To shave off the beard and lengthen the moustache is the way of the Kufaar, Mushrikeen, Majoosi and Christians. It is for the reason that the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) commanded us to act against this by lengthening our beards and trimming our moustache. The moustache gives off a certain secretion which is not healthy,...

For a Safe Journey

A person in reality is a traveller, and some time or the other, he needs to go on a journey. Any person who intends to go on a journey must read Sura Qul Ya Ay-yuhal Kaafirun, Sura Jaa'a, Sura Qul Hu-wallah, Sura Falaq and Sura Naas and then commence with his journey. Insha-Allah, his journey will be safe and prosperous.