The simple from of Umrah is to wear Ahram and do Tawaf and Sa'ee and after this have the head shaven and putting off the Ahram. Ahram is the primary condition which can not he set aside or ignored, known as Shart-e-Ada (Binding/Primary condition) and shaving of head, the external or secondary condition.
Umrah is sunnat, not wajib and can be performed many times in the year which means that the whole year is the period of Umrah except on 5 days in the year, 9th Zil Haj. The Day of Arafat (Yaam-e-Arafah), 10th Zil Haj, The Day of sacrifice (Yaam-e-Nah'r) and 11th to 13th Zil Haj known as Ayyam-e-Tashriq which mean on and from 9th to 13th Zil Haj are the five days on which Umrah is not permissible.
In Umrah only Tawaf is Farz (obligatory) while Sa'ee is wajib, as well as Halq or shaving of head and Taqseer (hair cut or trimming). All the conditions of Umrah are the same as those of Hajj, except that for Umrah not time is fixed while in the Haj, all the arkan (prescribed mode) are to be performed strictly according to time schedule. The thing which renders Umrah as completely wiped off is to have intercourse (with wife) before having completed four rounds of Tawaf.
Any one who wants to perform only the Umrah, he should put on Ahram from Meeqat or any place before Meeqat. The Niyat (Intent) of Umrah, he should offer two rakats of Nafil with - the -intent or Niyat of Ahram and recite the dua of Ahram;
(O Allah! I intend (to perform) for Umrah, so make it easy (convenient and practicable) for me and accept this Umrah from me and I wish to observe sanctity of this (Umrah) with all sincerity (and humility) for ALLAH The Almighty and Supreme).
Another prayer is this: ( O Allah! I beseech Your Pleasure and I seek Your Refuge from Your wrath and the Fire (of He'll). Now he should avoid doing anything which are forbidden for a pilgrim wearing Ahram for the haj. Then he should do the Tawaf, after Tawaf, Sa'ee just in the same way as the pilgrim for Haj does; he should observe the same sanctimonious etiquettes while entering Mecca as are enjoined upon those performing Haj.
After having done Tawaf and Sa'ee, he must have hair cut. Thus the Umrah is fulfilled. He can now put off the Ahram. In Umrah, while beginning the Tawaf immediately having kissed the Hajar-e-Aswad, he should cease reciting `Labbaik'.

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