Detail Article About Noor-e-Mohammadi (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) PART-3

Imam Mulla `Ali ibn SulTaan al-Qaari al-Hanafi al-Makkee
Imam Mulla `Ali ibn SulTaan al-Qaari al-Hanafi al-Makkee [d. 1014ah], was one of the great Hanafi `Ulama'. He is usually refered to as Mulla `Ali Qaari (raHmatullaahi `alay). He quotes the Hadeethi-Noor, which is quoted in previously from Imam Zarqaanee (raHmatullaahi `alay) in his book, "al-Mawrid ar-raawee fil-Mawlid al-haadee":
"It is related that Jabir ibn `Abd Allah said to the Prophet :
"O Messenger of Allah , may my father and mother be sacrificed for you, tell me of the first thing Allah created before all things." He said: "O Jabir, the first thing Allah created was the light of your Prophet from [the spiritual enlightenment] His [Divine] light, and that light remained (lit. "turned") in the midst of His Power for as long as He wished, and there was not, at that time, a Tablet or a Pen or a Paradise or a Fire or an angel or a heaven or an earth."
Shaykh al-Muhaddith as-Sayyad Muhammad ibn `Alawi al-Hasani al-Maliki al-Makki in his commentary on `Ali al-Qari's book of the Mawlid entitled Hashiyat al-Mawrid al-rawi fi al-mawlid al-nabawi (p. 40) said:
"The chain of Jabir is sound without contest, but the scholars have differed concerning the text of the Hadith due to its peculiarity. Imam Bayhaqi also narrated the hadith with some differences." Then he quoted several narrations establishing the light of the Prophet .
Regarding the post of brother Jabir: Well, the scholars only accept things which they have researched and can prove. Their is also a concept known as "talaqqi bil-qubool" which I will inshaa-Allaah write about in a later post with references. Anyway, their is talaqqi bil-qubool with regard to the Hadeethi-Noor from Jaabir (raDiyallaahu `anhu), i.e. it has been accepted through
tawaatur by the scholars throughout the ages, as can be seen by my posts.
One should also see the words of al-Imaam Muhammad ibn `Abdul-Baaqee az-Zarqaanee (raHmatullaahi `alay) in post [8] and also the next post from Shaykh al-Islaam `Abdul-Haqq MuHaddith Dehlwee (raHmatullaahi `alay).
As for the comments made about Sayyidunaa Ka`b al-Ahbaar (raDiyallaahu `anhu) - all I can say is astaghfirullaah and a`ooDHubillaah. I will post the status of Sayyidunaa Ka`b (raDiyallaahu `anhu) later inshaa-Allaah from the great scholars of the past. In any case, I really can not believe how anyone can accuse MuHaddith Imaam Ibnul-Jawzee (raHmatullaahi `alay) of
quoting something against Islaam from him. This would be a serious allegation.
It is not difficult to accept this belief unless one is a wahhaabee and only believes in himself and rejects the great scholars of the past who defended this Deen from the heretics.
Shaykhul-MuHaddithin Shaykhul-MuHaqqiqin `Abd al-Haqq MuHaddith al-Dahlawi
Shaykhul-MuHaddithin Shaykhul-MuHaqqiqin `Abd al-Haqq MuHaddith al-Dahlawi (d. 1052) a the great Indian hadith scholar [who also wrote Tafseer Haqqani] and who was a contemporary of Shaykh Ahmad Sirhind (who was quoted earlier). He wrote many great books and also commentaries , e.g. "Ash`atul-Lam`aat SharH Mishkaat."
He states about this subject:
"It is a reality that the first creation and the means of the creation of the worlds (`aalam) and Aadam is the light of the Holy MuHammad as stated in the SaHeeH (rigorously authenticated) Hadeeth: '(awwalu maakhalaqallaahu nooree) First of all Allaah created my light.'"
Ref: `Abdul-Haqq MuHaddith Dehlwi, Madarij al-nubuwwa (in Persian), 2:2 [Maktaba al-nuriyya edition in Sakhore]
I have reposted this because we have "muhadditheen" on this forum who say that the Hadeethi-noor is not SaHeeH. If they are humble enough to admit that they are not muHadditheen, then they should follow one, and Shaykh `Abdul-Haqq MuHaddith Dehlwee (raHmatullaahi `alay) was not only a muHaddith, but also one of the great muHaqqiqeen. I have so far quoted a dozen great scholars of Islaam on this subject and one should pause and think before saying anything against it. In fact, I personally would feal ashamed of opening my mouth against it especially if I am an ignorant person. I too did not accept this at first, but
al-Hamdulillaah I accept it now because I understand it. I spent time with `Ulamaa' asking questions about it. Also, I do not want to separate myself from the largest body of the Ummah. Please see my early posts on this subject on the previous archive.
Shaykh `Abdul-Fattaah Abu Ghuddaah
This is a quote from one of the recent great Hadeeth authorities from the Indian Subcontinent. Even the late, Shaykh `Abdul-Fattaah Abu Ghuddaah (raHmatullaahi `alay) of Syria, wrote a wonderful commentary on one of `Allaama `Abd al-Hayy al-Lucknawi's works (raHmatullaahi `alay).
Shaykh `Abd al-Hayy al-Lucknawi [d. 1304] (raHeemahullaah) the Indian Hadith scholar cites the Hadeethi-Noor in his al-Athar al-marfu`a fi al-akhbar al-mawdu`a (p. 33-34 of the Lahore
edition) and says:
"The primacy (awwaliyya) of the Muhammadan light (al-nur al-muHammadi) is
established from the narration of `Abd al-Razzaq, as well as its definite priority over all created things."
'Na mita hey, na mitega, charcha tera'!
Allama Sayyad Mahmood Alusi
'Allama Sayyad Mahmood Alusi (raHeemahullaahu Ta`aalaa) is one of the great recent mufassireen, muHadditheen and muHaqqiqeen of Baghdad. His Tafseer RooHul-Ma`aanee can be obtained from nearly every Islamic bookshop in the wahhaabee controlled state of saudi Arabia, in the blessed cities of Makka Mukarrama and our master, MuHammad 's Madeenatul-Munawwara. Wahabis have often misquoted him again and again against tawassul. This is the habit of those heretical people.
Anyway, Alusi (al-Sayyid Mahmud) in his commentary of Qur'an entitled Ruh al-ma`ani (17:105 of the Beirut edition) said:
"The Prophet's being a mercy to all is linked to the fact that he is the intermediary of the divine outpouring over all contingencies [i.e. all created things without exception], from the very beginnings (wasitat al-fayd al-ilahi `ala al-mumkinat `ala hasab al-qawabil), and that is why his light was the first of all things created, as stated in the report that "The first thing Allah created was the light of your Prophet , O Jabir," and also cited is: "Allah is the Giver and I am the Distributor."
The Sufis -- may Allah sanctify their secrets -- have more to say on that chapter." Allama Alusi also cites the Hadith of Jabir as evidence in another passage of Ruh al-ma`ani (8:71).
I was very fortunate to meet one of the great Sunni scholars of our time, Shaykh as-Sayyad Yusuf Haashim ar-Rifaa`ee (haafiDHahullaahu Ta`aalaa) of kuwait. I asked him about the Hadeethi-Noor and he quoted the following version:
"awwalu maakhalaqallaahu noora nabiyyika min-noorih yaa Jaabiru"
He explained the "min-noorih" portion of the Hadeeth and clarified its meaning. I told him that the Hadeeth is not present in the printed editions of al-MuSannaf `Abdur-Razzaaq (the earliest which was printed only 20 years ago!). He replied: "The MuSannaf `Abdur-Razzaaq has certain 'juz' missing but this man [probably the salafi orientated Habibur-Rahman Azami of
Hyderabad, India] still went ahead and printed it! You can't do that if their are certain 'juz' missing. However, the Hadeeth has also been quoted [and preserved] by al-Qastalani, Ibn Hajar and Zarqani and they have used it [for evidence]."
Shaykh Rifa`i (Yusuf al-Sayyid Hashim) cites it as evidence in his Adillat ahl al-sunna wa al-jama`a al-musamma al-radd al-muhkam al-mani` (p. 22):
"`Abd al-Razzaq narrated it."
Allaama `Abd al-Ghanee an-Nabulsee
This is what `Allaama `Abd al-Ghanee an-Nabulsee (or Naablusee) (raHmatullaahi `alayh) says about the subject of the light of the Holy Prophet :
Nabulusi (`Abd al-Ghani d. 1143) says in his Hadiqa al-nadiyya (2:375 of the Maktaba al-nuriyya edition in Faysalabad):
"qad khuliqa kullu shay'in min noorihee Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallama kamaa wa rada bihil HadeethuS-SaHeeH."
"The Holy Prophet is the universal leader of all, and how could he not be when all things were
created out of his light as has been stated in the sound hadith [HadeethuS-SaHeeH]."
Dr. G. Fouad Haddad, his teacher, Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, and his teacher Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani, of whom he is a khalifa. Most of the material I have posted about this subject is from our dear and beloved brother, Dr. Fouad Haddad.
Shaykh al-Islam al-Imam Ahmad Shahab-uddin Ibn Hajar al-Haytami al-Makkee
I still have many quotations but will give the reason for my decission below which will include the comments of shareef/jabir. I might still however post two articles on the support of this subject from the `Ulamaa' of Deoband and from the ??wahhaabee `ulamaa'. This is to direct the attacks of the rejectors onto their own scholars.
Shaykh al-Islam al-Imam Ahmad Shahab-uddin Ibn Hajar al-Haytami al-Makkee (raHmatullaahi `alay), who was the mujaddid, highest leading authority in the Shaafi`ee madh-hab, the teacher of thousands of other great scholars and the Imam of the Ka`ba for over FORTY years, with dozens of `ijaazah's in dozens of Islaamic fields, writes with regard to this subject:
"innahoo Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam Saara nooran annahoo idhaa mashaa fish-shamsin wal-qamari laa yaDHharu lahoo DHillun li'annahoo laayaDHharu illaa likatheefi wahuwa Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallama qad khalaSahullaahu min saa'iril-kathaafaatil-jismaaniyyati wa Sayyarahoo nooran Sarfan laa yaDHharu lahoo DHillun aSlan."
"He became light to the extent that if he walked in sunlight or moonlight he did not have a
shadow. The reason is that shadows pertain only to dense bodies whereas he has been purified by Allah from all the bodily attributes of denseness and he has turned him into light unadulterated and pure, and entirely devoid of shadow."
Ref: Ibn Hajar al-Makkee, SharH QaSeedah Hamziyya and afDalul-qiraa'.
He also quotes the Hadeethi-Noor: "Yaa Jaabiru innallaaha Ta`aalaa khalaqa qablal-ashyaai noora nabiyyika min-noorih" -
"O Jaabir, Allah Ta`aalaa first created the light of your Prophet from (the spiritual enlightenment of the Divine) Lights."
Haytami (Ahmad ibn Hajar d. 974) states in his Fatawa Hadithiyya (p. 247 of the Baba edition in Cairo) that `Abd al-Razzaq narrated it, and also cites it in his poem on the Prophet's birth entitled al-Ni`mat al-kubra `ala al-`alamin (p. 3).
shareef wrote:
In most of these mails, their were also other scholars who were quoted in support of this topic. The subject titles of these mails included:
- al-QaaDee `IyaaD, from his "ash-Shifaa'",
- al-Imaam ash-Shahrastaanee, from his "al-Milal wan-nihal",
- Mujaddid Alfith-Thaanee Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindee, from his "Maktoobaat Shareef",
- al-Imaam Ibnul-Hajj al-Abdaree al-Makkee, from his "al-Madkhal",
- Sayyidina Ghawthul-A`DHam `Abdul-Qaadir Jeelaanee, which I will quote later inshaa-Allaah from al-Imaam Muhammad al-Faasee's "Mataali'ul-Masarraat",
- Shaykhul-Islaam al-Imaam as-SuyooTee, from his "al-KhaSaa'iSul-Kubraa'",
- Shaykhul-Islaam al-Imaam Fakhrud-Deen Raazee, from his "Tafseerul-Kabeer",
- Muhaqqiq al-Imaam az-Zarqaanee, from his "SharHul-Mawaahib",
- Muhaddith al-Imaam Ibnul-Jawzee, from his "al-Wafaa'",
- al-Imaam al-Halabee, from his "Seeratul-Halabiyya",
- al-Imaam Mulla `Alee al-Qaaree al-Hanafee, from his "Mawridur-raawee",
- Shaykhul-Muhaqqiqeen `Abdul-Haqq Muhaddith Dehelwee, from his "Madaarijun-Nubuwwat",
- al-`Allaama `Abdul-Hayy Lucknawee, from his "al-Aathaar",
- al-`Allaama Sayyad Mahmood Aaluusee, from his "Tafseer RooHul-Ma`aanee",
- al-`Allaama `Abdul-Ghanee an-Nabaloosee, from his "al-Hadeeqatun-nadiyya",
- Shaykhul-Islaam al-Imaam Ibn Hajar al-Makkee, from his "Fataawaa al-Hadeethiyya"
- It was also mentioned that Shaykhul-Akbar and Imaam `Uthmaan Daan Fodio also used the Hadeethi-Noor - Allaahu `aalim
- And many many other great scholars not just from the Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa`ah, but also from other sects (wahabis and shi`ah) as well.
As for it being "proven" to me that their was not sanad:
1. Well, I am not in the position to judge the reliability of the chain (sanad) of transmittion, so that would not do much for me.
2. Their is something known as "talaqqee bil-qubool" in the science of Hadeeth, which was hinted by al-Imaam at-Tirmidhee in his "Jaami`" and explained by other Muhadditheen. It means that when something has continuing acceptance by the scholars of
the past, it becomes an evidence. This is the case with the Hadeethi-Noor which can be seen from above as having talaqqi bil-qubool. Their are many other examples of this too. This is also called a "sanad" in the science of Hadeeth. Hence it would count as though I brought you a "sanad."
3. All of the scholars who quote this Hadeeth, state: "bi SANADIN `Abdur-Razzaaq", i.e. "it is related via the CHAIN of `Abdur-Razzaaq." al-Imaam `Abdur-Razzaaq [d. 211ah] is one of the early great authorities in the science of Hadeeth. Hence being quoted via the chain of al-Imaam `Abdur-Razzaaq is itself enough for its acceptance.
4. Those scholars who accept this Hadeeth today, have their own induvidual chains (sanad's) of `ijaazah's for this Hadeeth, which in many cases go all the way back to the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam).
5. As for al-Imaam as-SuyooTee saying that it is unfounded - al-Imaam Ibn `Aabideen al-Hanafee in his section of "Yawmi-shak" stated about al-Imaam as-Suyootee's statement: "it means that the marfoo` is unfounded and that the Hadeeth is actually mawqoof," which is still used as an evidence in the science of Hadeeth.
6. It would be "futile" to use Shaykh al-Islaam al-Imaam Jalaalud-Deen as-SuyooTee against this subject when he wrote so much in many of his books (which I have mentioned in a few of the articles I posted) in acceptance of it. He has a chapter on the light of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) in his "al-KhaSaa'Sul-Kubraa". He writes for example:
"qaalabnu sab`in min khaSaa'iSihee inna DHillahoo kaana laa yaqa'u alal-arDi wa innahoo kaana nooran."
"Ibn Sab`in said that among his characteristics are the fact that his shadow did not touch the ground and that he was light."
Ref: as-SuyooTee, al-KhaSaa'iSul-kubraa', vol. 1, p. 169.
Incidently, al-Imaam Abdul-Wahhaab ash-Sha'raanee (ra) writes, "Imaam Jalaalud-deen as-SuyooTee (ra) saw the Holy Prophet in a state of awakenness 75 times!"
Ref: Abdul-Wahhaab ash-Sha'raanee, al-Meezaanul-kubraa', vol. 1, p. 44.
Al-Imaam ash-Shaafi`ee in his "Kitaabul-`Umm" stated: "A Muslim is either a mujtahid (one capable of doing ijtihaad) or a muqallid (one who does taqleed - follow someone elses ijtihaad)."
Many great scholars of the past stated: "One who does not have a shaykh, his shaykh is shayTaan." Scholars do not accept things for the sake of it, the ignorant do. If you are free of taqleed, then keep in mind, you must be a mujtahid. If not, then in the words of Sidi Hamza Yusuf's teacher, Shaykh Murabit al-Hajj, you would be a "deviant."
Al-Imaam as-SuyooTee (ra) wrote a rule of Hadeeth in his book, "Tadreebur-raawee": "Only the classification of Hadeeth given by a HaafiDH (one who knows more than 100,000 aHaadeeth by heart!) is accepted." Hence, if you know this number (which includes not just the texts, but also their chains), then you are in the category of those who can judge the authenticity of a
Hadeeth, and I would also want to follow you. If you are not, then taqleed is binding upon you, whether you make taqleed to reliable scholars or a man who has read many books, which he has NOT been through accompanied by learned scholar, has no `ijaazah's and contradicts the creed and the pratices of the majority of the Muslims, past and present, like nasir albani. It is
up to you brother who you follow, but you definitly follow someone if you are not a mujtahid in Hadeeth.
We cannot make an assumption about what Imaam Lucknawee (ra) did in his acceptance of the Hadeeth.
I explained earlier, that I am nothing. However, Wallaah, I am also not scared of anything on this earth. I believe with certainty, that if the bombers of the shayTaan were coming to bomb me and if I called, "Yaa `Abdul-Qaadir!" Shaykh `Abdul-Qaadir al-Jeelaanee (ra) would come and rescue me. I sware by Allah, that if a kaafir walked past me in the street and told me to "shut up" with regard to my beliefs, I would probably break his nose. Please brother, do not tell me to "shut up". This is not the manners and behaviour to be used between HUMANS, let alone between Muslims. By the way, I am not saying that we should break the noses of kuffaar who say such a thing! I believe what the Qur'aan says - i.e., when you walk past the ignorant (jaahil), look down and say salaam (peace).