As-Salaatu was salaamu `alaa Sayyidil anbiyaayi wal mursaleen. wa qaala fee haqqihi rabbunallaha rabbul `aalameen. wa qad jaa-akum minallahi nuurunw wa kitaabunm mubeen. wa `ala aalihit taHireen. tanawwaruu bi nuuri jaddihim fa aDaa-ul Haalikeen. wa aS-Habihee ajma`een. na`am, akhadhuu min nuuri nabiyyinaa wa hum kan nujuumi ashraqul `aalameen. Wahhabis/'Salafis' and other Sects attack at the very basis of religion – be it the exalted rank of the Rasul `alayhis salaam or that of his true followers the Awlia Ridwanullahi `alayhim ajma`een, they come to create discord. they, the mischief makers. I have displayed their makr – deception in the past. but the only answer we get is, that i am misquoting them or that i am an ignoramus. I wouldn’t mind being called an ignoramus, but then all my arguments are mere quotes of the knowledgeable! But they will never desist. We have seen the so called ‘Salafis’ praise Ibn Taymiyyah. Shiekh ul-Islaam Ibn Hajar al-Haytami al-Makki...