A reply to the objection of the practice of kissing of the thumbs (1) Written by Mufti Ahmad Yaar Khan Objection: All the Ahadith that have been presented in proof of the permissibility of the kissing the thumbs are weak (Zaeef) and rules of Shariah cannot be established from weak Ahadith. Imaam Sakhaawi, Imaam Mulla Ali Qaari and even Imaam Shaami have written in Maqaasid-e-Hasanaa, Mauzuaate-Kabeer and Raddul-Mukhtar respectively that all of the Ahadith narrated regarding this practice is not Sahih and Marfoo. The author of Roohul-Bayaan further rejects them being Sahih. Thus presenting them is futile. Answer: There are a few replies to this, 1. All of these scholars refute these Ahadith being Marfoo (i.e. they are not Marfoo Sahih), proving that they are Mauqoof Sahih (an acceptable category of Hadith). As a result, after writing that these Ahadith are not Marfoo, Mulla Ali Qari states, “I say when this Hadith’s attribution (rafaa) is proven through Hadrat Siddique-e-Akbar, it is...